The Legacy of India's Single Time Zone, भारतीय मानक समय की ऐतिहासिक जड़ें और आधुनिक निहितार्थ

 Historical Roots and Modern Implications of Indian Standard Time

The Legacy of India's Single Time Zone

India's single time zone is a colonial legacy, established for administrative convenience during British rule. Despite a two-hour solar time difference from east to west, the British standardized time to streamline operations with the advent of railroads. In 1802, Madras (Chennai) time was set as the basis for Indian Standard Time. The international move towards standardized time zones in 1884 further influenced this decision, leading to India's unique half-hour offset from GMT. This single time zone, instituted officially in 1906, persists today, despite ongoing discussions about its practicality given India's vast geographical spread.

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