In a groundbreaking display of prowess, India unveiled a new epoch in its arsenal on Monday with the successful test of the Agni-5 missile under the banner of 'Mission Divyastra'. This sophisticated weapon, boasting MIRV (Multiple Independent Targetable Re-Entry Vehicle) technology, places India among the elite few nations worldwide to possess such capability. Prime Minister Narendra Modi lauded the achievement, extending his congratulations to the visionary scientists behind 'Mission Divyastra'. Let's delve deeper into this momentous development.
Agni-5's Trial: Where and How
Reports from PTI confirm that the inaugural flight test of the Agni-5 missile occurred within the ambit of 'Mission Divyastra' on Monday, staged from the picturesque APJ Abdul Kalam Island in Odisha. The missile, meticulously crafted, flawlessly met all predetermined parameters during the trial.
Unlocking MIRV Technology: A Game-Changer
MIRV, an acronym for Multiple Independent Targetable Re-Entry Vehicle, heralds a new era in missile capability. This groundbreaking technology empowers a single missile to carry multiple nuclear warheads, enabling precision targeting of diverse objectives.
Unraveling Agni-5's Reach
The Agni-5 missile boasts an impressive strike range of 5,000 kilometers, meticulously designed to cater to India's long-term security requirements. Encompassing vast swathes of Asia, including the northern reaches of China and extending into parts of Europe, its reach underscores India's formidable defense strategy.
Echoes from the Top: Modi's Acclaim
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, along with Defense Minister Rajnath Singh, lauded the triumphant feat achieved by the DRDO scientists. In a social media proclamation, PM Modi expressed his pride in the DRDO team, hailing the Agni-5's indigenously developed MIRV technology as a monumental stride for India's defense apparatus.
Decoding 'Mission Divyastra's' Mandate
Under the aegis of 'Mission Divyastra', the Agni-5 missile has not only been put to the test but has also propelled India into an exclusive league of nations equipped with MIRV capabilities. Notably, the project is spearheaded by a female director, underscoring India's commitment to gender inclusivity in scientific endeavors. Armed with indigenous avionics systems and cutting-edge sensor packages, this weapon system marks a paradigm shift in India's defense architecture.
Through snapshots shared by DRDO's Twitter handle and corroborated by NDTV, the world catches a glimpse of India's stride towards self-reliance and technological excellence.